Thursday, January 14, 2010

Project 365: Week 2

Week 2 brought about many fun and exciting new things. We saw our longest freeze down here in Funkytown. It was in the 20s and teens here for lows, and that basically never happens. There was even sleet, and SNOW in places. We didn't have any snow at our house, but I heard from many a friend that had it. Plus it made the nightly news, so you know it happened.
My father, Papa, read a book to Buggy and her cousin, Butt. They had a great time. They love story time.

Buggy got her first tooth!

We took Buggy out in the cold. It was basically her first time getting to wear her coat that her Nana got her. I, honestly, thought when she purchased it, "Who needs a coat in Funkytown?" Well, apparently, my mother can predict the future because she definitely needed it last week.

I made a super yummy, and easy dessert! A Peachy-Pineapple Dump Cake. Click link for recipe.

Then, I made a super good dinner the next night! A Smothered Steak and Potatoes dish. Link again.

Then, I did my first actual photoshoot. I know, I posted the pics yesterday, but I'm including them here for my 365 project as well. Awesome fun, that was!

I'm really looking forward to seeing what week 3 brings!

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