Thursday, January 7, 2010

Project 365: Week 1

Well, I've joined in on the madness. In a stong effort to up my severely lacking photography skills, I decided to do the Project 365 this year. Basically, if you haven't heard about it before, its a project where you pledge to take one photo a day.'s my first week effort:

*click to make bigger*

I'd love to hear some constructive criticism on them, if you don't mind. :) Also, send me some good vibes that I don't give up, which I have been known to do.

I'm editing to add larger versions of them so you can see detail. After a few people mentioning that might be better, so I guess I'll be updating with a picture daily as well as my regular blog posts regarding mommy adventures.


  1. I love it! I want a good camera so I can do that in the future.

    Although, I have a suggestion, maybe make them into a normal "page" size so you can make a scrapbook of this year. One week per page sort of thing. Might be neat to look at down the road.

  2. great work so far! #3 the tint looks off. the skin looks blue/green somehow. In the B&W one, I love pretty much everything about it, except the orphan finger on the left freaks me out a bit :)
